Has your relationship with nature changed over the last year?

I know mine has. I have always loved the outdoors whether I’m walking up a mountain, playing golf or a simple romp across a local park (I do miss Hampstead Heath now I’ve moved up North.

But of late I have found myself more deeply connecting to the flora and fauna, taking advantage of the precious freedom that lockdown has not taken away – to walk, sit and be in nature.

The photo is of my sit spot. The other day I held a coaching consultation on the logs here. We had a beautiful, connected conversation. Just being in nature, near water, birds singing, a gentle breeze, all naturally quietens the mind. Once we settle down we enter that state of being where we can feel more connected to our own wisdom and common sense. And when our mind gets quieter there is space for something new to emerge.

For me, nature reconnects me to something that is always available but gets masked or concealed, hard to hear amongst the noise.

It is the perfect antidote.

The rampaging ego, the restless intellect, that feeling of uncertainty in the pit of your stomach? Well, all parts of you are welcome to this party – to sit quietly, breath in the present moment and reconnect to not just nature, but your true nature.