If you ever find yourself stuck, or facing a situation that feels insurmountable or out of your control, here is an invitation:

Ask yourself a better set of questions

Powerful questions invite us to go inside, where we can explore what we really want and why we want it. And when we see that we have a lot more going for us than we realise, we open up a world of untapped potential and possibility – to tap into our unique gifts, take control of our life and to take action without fear of failure.

Life is a contact sport. We are going to take our knocks, but what matters is how we respond to them. When we get really clear on what we want and who we are, it’s like giving ourselves a superpower.

Here are some of the powerful questions I invite all my coaching clients to explore. My invitation to you is to set aside 30 minutes to write (by hand) what comes up for you. Then take some time for yourself, go out into nature and feel into what has arisen. You might be surprised by what shows up.